This term in our Design classes we have studied the topic “Technological Advances”. In the year 1 and 2 classes we learnt about toys from the past and discovered how toys have changed over time. We then made our own game of skittles, and many wonderful designs were created. The year 3 and 4 classes created arcade games and many of these are amazing. Next term these classes will combine to have a lesson where they can play each other’s games and discover what other students created. The year 5 classes invented an animal and its habitat and made a diorama which showed their creature in its biome. Finally, the year 6 classes studied inventions and then created their own – either a model or an actual product. They created posters to advertise their invention and will present these to their class at the beginning of term 3. The photos below show some of the work produced throughout the semester. The library also has a display of some of the year 5 dioramas.
Wendy Perry
Churchlands Primary School
B.Ed (Honours – Gifted & Talented Students)